Click the link below to find out what Dementia is, signs & symptoms of Dementia, why it is important to get a diagnosis, & lots more information!

At Chapelfield:
- Every year every patient with dementia will be offered a dementia review which is a holistic review for you & your loved ones to attend
- We are a dementia friendly Practice
- If you are struggling please contact the surgery
The Herbert Protocol
The Herbert Protocol is an information gathering tool used for early intervention and to reduce the risk around vulnerable people with Dementia or Alzheimer's who may be at risk of going missing.
The information gathering tool consists of a form designed to make sure that if someone goes missing, the police can get access to important information about that person as soon as possible. If a loved one goes missing, it can be deeply distressing and upsetting for family and friends. Being asked by a police officer to recall lots of detailed information can add to this stress, and therefore the process is designed to remove some of the worry.
What do I put on to the Herbert Protocol form?
It contains a list of information to help the police if the person goes missing, including: • medication required • mobile numbers • places previously located • a recent photograph
When should a form be filled in?
If you are a carer, you should use your professional opinion to judge when to complete a form. If you’re a family member, you should use your knowledge to decide whether a person is at risk of going missing. Remember, having this information ready to provide can save worry and time if someone goes missing.
When should the form be given to the police?
The police only need the form at the point the person is reported missing.
Where can i find the form?
Click this link: Herbert Protocol - SYP (

Alzheimer's Society
A fantastic resource with lots of information about Dementia including
- a Dementia support line
- an online community
- Local Dementia support services
Alzheimer's Society (
Barnsley Independent Alzheimer's Support
- Support groups
- Day centers
- Social opportunities
- Emotional support
- Activities & lots more
click the link below to check out their website

Dementia support & Activities Group
Specialising in people living with Dementia and isolated people.
you can contact them on 07545815513
Butterflies Dementia Support and Activities Group | Facebook