Suggestions & Complaints

Want to make a suggestion to the practice?


We have a suggestion box located in the Reception area. Please complete a slip and place in the box if you have anything you feel would benefit the practice.

Praise and Grumble

The Surgery has a Praise or Grumble form which can be filled in by patients to highlight good or bad experiences with staff members or the services we provide. The form also has a section for comments and suggestions on how to improve these. This form can be located in the Reception area.

a person standing in front of a window

Click here to send us your suggestions

Want to make a complaint?

a person looking at the camera

Click here to send us your complaint

We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

To pursue a complaint please complete this form and the practice manager will deal with your concerns appropriately. 

Practice Complaints Procedure for Patients

Patients are able to make a comment or a complaint about any of the services offered by this Practice.

1. This can be done by writing to the Practice Manager, speaking to the Practice Manager in person or by phone, or by filling out and handing in a complaints form – these are available from Reception or can be downloaded here. Patients can also speak to their GP or any member of the team.

2. The Practice will acknowledge the complaint in writing within two working days of receiving it.

3. The patient will be given the opportunity to make an appointment to come in and discuss their concerns with the Senior Partner and the Practice Manager. If the patient would prefer a response in writing, this would need to be stated.

4. ALL complaints are taken very seriously by the Practice, and will always be looked into in a thorough, honest, and timely manner.

5. If someone wishes to make a complaint on behalf of a relative they will need to seek their agreement. To keep matters confidential this will be required in writing.

6. We aim to have all matters resolved within two weeks of receiving a complaint. If the investigation has taken longer, for example due to the Partner(s) or person(s) involved taking annual leave, the Practice would advise the patient of this.

If for any reason the patient is not satisfied with the way the Practice has handled your complaint, or with the outcome, they would be informed to refer their complaint to NHS England.